Another 3-6 RISE Cohort completed all six days! Congratulations. Have a great school year!! 🎉

2 awesome days of AR Math QuEST Year 1: Introduction to Ambitious Teaching lead by Math Specialist Melissa Ellis. Big THANK YOU to Tammy Brown (Math Coach at Lakeside) for helping out!

Job Posting!

Thank You to Dave Stuart Jr. for presenting an AWESOME virtual session on Improving Student Motivation!


Thanks to Tyler Tarver for delivering two AWESOME virtual PD sessions today!

Check it out!


We had a GREAT virtual session with Gerry Brooks!

The flight simulator is at the Summer AAEA Conference! We appreciate Oakley and Christie for demonstrating how awesome it is! #aaealovepubliceducation

Awesome session lead by Jana Catlett (Dawson) & Melissa Bratton (Hot Springs School District) at the AAEA Summer Conference. #aaealovepubliceducation

Real life application in Science PD at Dawson!

Great day of collaboration with OBU!

Check out our latest Studio D release here:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/3vxEtjPsfpk
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5qVS2pIxggIv4kVkyFjuKt

Happy Fri-YAY! We hope everyone has a great day! 😀

Great session lead by Jana Catlett!

RTI at Work lead by Literacy Specialists Gayanne and Tammy. 📚

We had a great time last night at the Garland County Miracle League awards ceremony. We are so proud of all of these amazing athletes. Huge THANK YOU to Southwest Sporting Goods in Arkadelphia for donating medals for each player and Southern Bancorp for providing food.

Job Opening

Check it out!